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Tabaco dulce Lucid Charge Vape
Este pequeño vaporizador Lucid Charge está repleto de dulzura combinada con el sabor del tabaco. Disfrutarás de 7000 caladas de vapor de alta calidad que contiene un 5 % de nicotina en 14 ml de e-líquido. La resistencia de malla integrada garantiza que el sabor dulce del tabaco se mantenga constante y delicioso durante toda la vida útil del vaporizador.
Reseña del sabor del tabaco
El dulce sabor del tabaco no es solo un simple sabor: es un sabor misterioso que aporta una esencia de confort única cuando se inhala. En el vaporizador, puede esperar un sabor equilibrado de tabaco puro combinado con dulzura que le brinda a sus papilas gustativas una satisfacción instantánea.
Otras opciones de sabor
Además del Tabaco Dulce, aquí hay otras opciones de sabor que puedes tener:
Hielo de piña y aloe
Menta fresca
Lichi de dragón helado
Pinza de hielo
Helado de kiwi y bayas
Melocotón Naranja Arándano
Melocotón Mango Fresa
Ponche de arándanos agrio
Ponche de fresa agria
Torta de cumpleaños
Sin sabor
Melocotón, manzana, pera, hielo
Hielo Pog Hawaiano
Hielo de piña y naranja
Macchiato de caramelo
Chicle de sandía
Limonada de mango helada
Nata de caramelo
Hielo de uva y aloe
Gomitas blancas
Real Reviews From Real Customers
Pam T.
The Sweet Tobacco Lucid Charge Vape is a top-notch disposable. The sweet undertone to the tobacco is smooth and not overly sugary, making it perfect for an everyday option. The charge is quick, and it holds power well. I also like the slim design, which makes it super convenient to carry. Great for those who want a reliable, flavorful vape that recharges fast.
Juli G.
Easy ordering and delivery was timely
Dustin P.
Love the flavor and recommendation! Only downside is the issue adjusting the vape intensity, but that's manufacturing, not the seller!
Jessica Lee
The new experiment with this vape flavor was undoubtedly a great choice for me. I wasn’t expecting much from this flavor. But I must say its perfectly balanced taste and consistent flavor is something every vaper would love. You should definitely give this vape a try!
Being a frequent traveler, I needed something that easily goes into my pockets for easy access. I found this device, and it instantly became my perfect match due to its miniature layout and mindblowing taste!
Sarah Miller
I just started vaping with sweet tobacco lucid charge vape, and I’d say it was the perfect pick to begin with. Its taste was subtle & comforting, and operating the device was also quite simple. I’d definitely recommend this device to anyone looking for a simple to use device!
Chris Johnson
I love tasting new flavors, and honestly, this was one of the most unique and pleasing flavors that I have had in many years. It has a very refreshing taste that is different from the usual fruit-based flavors.
Alex Thompson
Switching from cigarette smoking to vaping was extremely easy for me with this sweet tobacco-flavored vape. Since the taste is similar to the cigarette, I didn’t struggle much to cut off the habit of smokables.
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