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سيجارة إلكترونية Pink Burst Swype بسعر 30 ألف دولار
نقدم لك جهاز Pink Burst Swype Vape 30K ، الجهاز الذي يغير قواعد اللعبة ويحدث ثورة في عالم التدخين الإلكتروني. يأتي جهاز التدخين الإلكتروني المتطور هذا محملاً مسبقًا بـ 22 مل من السائل الإلكتروني وقوة تكفي لـ 30000 نفخة. يتميز جهاز Pink Burst Swype Vape 30K بشاشة OLED Mega 2.01، وهو محمل بكل ما تحبه من النكهات المفضلة لديك ولكن بشكل أفضل. فهو يبقيك على اطلاع دائم بميزات مثل الاتصال وإشعارات الرسائل النصية والألعاب وحتى البلوتوث. تضمن الملفات الشبكية المزدوجة النكهة في مستواها الأمثل. تضيف الخلفية القابلة للتخصيص والآلة الحاسبة المدمجة الراحة حقًا. تقدم تحديثات الطقس تحديثات حقيقية عن الطقس.
خيارات النكهة الأخرى
بلو راز آيس
مشروب السلاربي الأزرق
توت العليق البري
الكرز والليمون
فاب اللعين
علكة النعناع
الخوخ العصير
يا إلهي، ضربة بوب
بينا كولادا
انفجار وردي
الفراولة والموز
الفراولة والكيوي
قوس قزح عنيف
مثلجات البطيخ
بطيخ كيوي
اكتشف تجربة التدخين الإلكتروني القصوى مع Pink Burst Swype Vape 30K في Zmarksthespot.
Real Reviews From Real Customers
Sarah T.
The Pink Burst Swype Vape 30K delivers a delicious, candy-like experience. It’s sweet but not too overwhelming, and the flavor stays consistent with each puff. The device is compact, lasts a long time, and is easy to take on the go. If you’re looking for a smooth and sweet vape, Pink Burst is definitely worth a try.
Matthew M.
Enjoyed the flavor and device.
Chloe Rodriguez
Pink Burst has got to be the best flavor! And Swype Vape 30K, with its smart features regarding call and text notification, is a boon on that end. Add an almost eternal battery life and dual mesh coil that assures perfect snaps with every puff you're taking.
Noah Martinez
The Pink Burst Swype Vape 30K is my new all-time favorite vape! Sweet and refreshing in flavor, and 22ML capacity means less hassle of refilling. By way of the added game and weather interface using OLED screens, it's unlike anything else.
Pink Burst is great flavor. Puffs 30,000 times on a single and lasts puffs of Swype Vape 30K for a long duration. Dual mesh coil ensures hits that are not dragged. Has customizable wallpaper and further offers weather updates to allow one to prepare accordingly.
The flavor was great with this Pink Burst Swype Vape 30K and great must-have features like call and text notification. Its battery life is outstanding, while the double mesh coil provides a great lower cracking ability.
I absolutely love my Pink Burst Swype Vape 30K. The flavor is sweet and tangy, the 30,000 puffs last quite a while, and special features of the OLED screen like games and weather are what set this vape apart from others.
Ethan Wright
This vape is really something. The flavor it produces for Pink Burst is really valid. The dual mesh coil also gives smooth hits, with the wallpaper perfectly adding a personal touch. The battery life is particularly good, so it's perfect for all-day use.
Madison Bennett
The Pink Burst Swype Vape 30K is a new game changer. The sweet and tangy flavor fills your refreshment, while 30,000 puffs last for quite a long time. Smart features like calls and playing games make it more than just a vape.
Ava Hill
I am absolutely amazed with my Pink Burst Swype Vape 30K. Truth be told, above all, the flavor is great, and smart add ons like Bluetooth with calls and notifications make things pretty convenient. It comes with sensational battery life; I can go about with it at any time of the day.
Sweet like Pink Burst. A long battery, coupled with smart, allows me great ease in its use. I, however, love the Bluetooth connectivity with call notifications.
I just love the taste of pink burst vape. I would highly recommend you to try this flavor, it is truly amazing!
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